whistlestop caboose

The view from the back.

My Photo

www.zidao.com Apprentice harmonizer, for sheer fun. Journeywoman writer, for work and pleasure. Starting point was Iowa, current stopping point on this journey is Switzerland, with frequent pauses around the world to watch and listen to the crowd, and occasionally make comments.

Tulips 2006 for Gran ellengwallace's Tulips 2006 for Gran photoset

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Dear blog reader

Dear whistlestopcaboose blog reader,

Some of you read few if any other blogs, and the technology side of them is a mystery; some of you work in technology businesses and you're far more advanced than I am.

This blog connects you and you and you

It's time to introduce you to each other and to get you thinking about the other visitors here. This blog is read by a very mixed group of people, from friends and family to my professional contacts and Flickr photo friends. We also have random visitors or those who've found their way via search engines.

You dip into "the view from the rear" and then you run off again - but you now have the option of running off to visit each other. Look at the menu on the left, below "archives", and you'll see why. I've started building a blogroll, so you can see some of the other people and places I visit regularly. Now you can head their way, from here.

I will be adding to the list over the next few days, as I find time. I will run a list of the books I read and other topics that interest me and might interest you. I will be reading more blogs and commenting on them more frequently here.

We will still love you even if you don't comment but -

All this is part of what makes blogs exciting: they connect us to each other. If you're one of my non-techie visitors, I would like to remind you that you can comment, which is part of the fun. You can continue or start a conversation about a topic easily by clicking on "comment" at the end of each post.

I enabled comments on this blog when I started it, and I check them before they are posted, to avoid spam. Like many blogs where the writer rambles freely on a wide variety of topics, few readers post comments, but it's more fun for everyone if you do.

Blogs are essentially a great way to put people together: they are pinpoints of thoughts and ideas on a very large map called the Internet. Blogs are not free-standing diaries unless writers choose to make them that.

I see my job now as starting to connect the dots and see what picture we come up with.


Blogger Dannie Jost said...

Hi there Ellen! You have left a few comments on my blog, and I do peek into yours once in a while. I find that interaction via comments tends to be very time consuming, but certainly worth it. I am curious as to what you come up with when you do connect the dots:::

1:21 PM  
Blogger Sameer Vasta said...

hey ellen,

sorry i've been kinda scarce, in the middle of exams and all. once this week is done, i'll back into the swing of things. :o)

1:39 PM  
Blogger whistlestop caboose said...

Dannie, I will certainly keep everyone posted when the picture is clear! For the benefit of others: I met Dannie in person, most unusual in the blogging world, as we were leaving the final evening of the Lift06 conference in Geneva in February. She lives in Switzerland and has one of those amazing international backgrounds that this little country is so good at hosting.

And Vasta, I can't believe you've looked up from your books long enough to read this! Welcome and goodbye, back to your books. For others: Vasta was very kind to me when I began to post photos on Flickr, helping me out via a forum when I got myself in a tech. muddle. He then posted a wonderful photo from his room high above the U. of Toronto campus and we've been sharing photos and comments ever since. He dreams of someday opening a bookstore, so that just endeared him even more, and he seems to know some of the most beautiful women on the planet. I'm seeing Toronto through new eyes.

Thank you, both, for taking the time to comment.

1:49 PM  
Blogger Sameer Vasta said...

wel, now you've got me blushing. one last exam tomorrow, and then going away for the weekend (desperately needed) and then back in full swing.

3:30 PM  
Blogger Christopher C. NC said...

It has begun to dawn on me the more I have read of your blog that you are a women of much experience in the media world. A Time Magazine journalist being just one aspect of a bigger career and interests. It seems rather silly and presumptuous of me to give you tips on technology, blogging and connections.

I consider it high praise to have been included on your blogroll and even better that my little stories were worthy of a compliment from a professional writer. Thank you.

To add to the connections I have added Whistlestop Caboose to my links list.

My new web site builder has technology features of which I have no clue as to what they do. For that matter so does my blog. I continue to learn.

10:37 PM  

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