whistlestop caboose

The view from the back.

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www.zidao.com Apprentice harmonizer, for sheer fun. Journeywoman writer, for work and pleasure. Starting point was Iowa, current stopping point on this journey is Switzerland, with frequent pauses around the world to watch and listen to the crowd, and occasionally make comments.

Tulips 2006 for Gran ellengwallace's Tulips 2006 for Gran photoset

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Shoes 'n blooms for Mary birthdays

Here is a bright happy birthday hello to my sister Mary, who always does something special on her birthday, so I will be interested to hear what this year's day holds!

And here is to buddy Mary, whose birthday I thought about, briefly forgot about, remembered, missed and remembered again - oh dear. She has the world's most amazing ability to get her friends to take off their shoes and kick up their heels: a good recipe for happiness.


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