whistlestop caboose

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www.zidao.com Apprentice harmonizer, for sheer fun. Journeywoman writer, for work and pleasure. Starting point was Iowa, current stopping point on this journey is Switzerland, with frequent pauses around the world to watch and listen to the crowd, and occasionally make comments.

Tulips 2006 for Gran ellengwallace's Tulips 2006 for Gran photoset

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ups and downs of the fruity life

I suspect few people garden when they are very young because they can't take the stress of it. You have to be prepared for emotional roller coaster rides.

Today the lilies smell heavenly but when I bent down close to them I spied a tall weed, or maybe it's not a weed, but it's a mystery visitor in my garden. I went from feeling like a Master Gardener to a worried uh-oh mentality. I found several baby versions of this in a flowerbox, looking as if I had planted them. So maybe it's not a weed. Hints appreciated, please!

I then checked on the new Braeburn apple tree, growing nicely, and its one wee apple looks healthy and lovely. It appears to have a future.

I checked on the new Fuji apple tree, a bit of an experiment in Switzerland. It's been doing fine - and now two leaves are covered with unpleasant little green fellows and ants. I don't want to use chemical sprays and I was taken aback to see this sudden attack. Anyone with bio treatment suggestions, please write! I found a ladybug and tried to place her on the leaf but she took one look at the ants and scooted away.

The potatoes are doing well but the rocket I planted didn't come up, even though it appears in all kinds of other corners of the garden - but by the time I notice it it's too big to use in salads.

My neighbors are constantly puzzled and entertained by my combinations of plants, not exactly classical. Mostly I think they work: in other words, I like the way the plant beds look. I plant rosemary all over the place, as a flower. For once, I have it next to other herbs. Tomorrow I will cut rosemary bunches before the flowers open fully, so they remain deep purple. I will then hang them upside down to dry. They make wonderful winter bouquets, keeping their scent and never losing their color.


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