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www.zidao.com Apprentice harmonizer, for sheer fun. Journeywoman writer, for work and pleasure. Starting point was Iowa, current stopping point on this journey is Switzerland, with frequent pauses around the world to watch and listen to the crowd, and occasionally make comments.

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Monday, May 22, 2006

Lordi and the Hallelujah rockers

We have some pretty strange music around our house most evenings, which is probably the same thing most parents of teenagers would say. In our case, it's a very odd mix. Liam will soon leave home to spend the summer, his third, in China, and then go to Vancouver to study Chinese. Karaoke is very hot in China, so he is trying to learn Chinese songs by following karaoke in Chinese on the Internet. Add to that heavy metal bands that he and his friends listen to just because that's what they do, and lately, the Beatles, because he's been improving his juggling to their music.

Now we have Lordi, the wild death metal music group from Finland, singing "Hallelujah" in a way you've never heard before. It's been on several times today, loud, loud, loud. In fairness to my son, I don't think it's possible to play this stuff softly.

And, I have to admit it, I kind of like this band! The Eurovision music contest always seemed like the worst of a bland side to modern Europe. Finland has failed utterly and miserably to win anything there, has come in last 8 times and had a final, dismal score of 0 on 3 occasions. The nation hung its head in shame until this weekend when Lordi rocked the Finns to musical success and Eurovision to life. The crowd roared but they were drowned out by the band.

Read a little more here, and check out the links.

The Finns are celebrating tonight, so if you live near any, watch out. Some of them look like this. An interviewer asked the leader of the band yesterday if all Finns looked like this. His response: "Only the pretty ones."

Prepare to rock! And send your spare facial masks to Helsinki.


Blogger christin m p in massachusetts said...

I love that kind of very heavy, hard wall-of-sound metal music myself, but since I'm not a teenage boy, the only way I can get away with listening to it is all by myself in my car with the windows closed, and only on the highway (so I won't disturb anyone's peace). I usually don't bother mentioning to anyone else my age that I like that music -- I just tell them about the other kinds of music I like. Imagine that, still worrying about "fitting in" with my own generation, decades after adolescence has passed...

12:47 AM  

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