whistlestop caboose

The view from the back.

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www.zidao.com Apprentice harmonizer, for sheer fun. Journeywoman writer, for work and pleasure. Starting point was Iowa, current stopping point on this journey is Switzerland, with frequent pauses around the world to watch and listen to the crowd, and occasionally make comments.

Tulips 2006 for Gran ellengwallace's Tulips 2006 for Gran photoset

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Swiss chocolates: be our valentines!

Valentine's Day always seems to me like a good day to live in Switzerland. As if we needed an excuse, we get a little more chocolate than usual, to offer. And if we're lucky, someone offers us some chocolate.

So here is a Swiss chocolate valentine from Blondel Chocolat in Lausanne, to all of you from all of us in Switzerland. The day you can taste and smell it we will know the Internet has really come of age. Meanwhile, happy dreams (it is snowing outside, in the Alps).

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