whistlestop caboose

The view from the back.

My Photo

www.zidao.com Apprentice harmonizer, for sheer fun. Journeywoman writer, for work and pleasure. Starting point was Iowa, current stopping point on this journey is Switzerland, with frequent pauses around the world to watch and listen to the crowd, and occasionally make comments.

Tulips 2006 for Gran ellengwallace's Tulips 2006 for Gran photoset

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My town: Barn cat, lessons in speed

I was trying to photograph a lovely black cat with green eyes, wary but friendly, on my evening walk. The light was rapidly fading and I nearly had it, elegantly sitting in front of my favorite old brown barn by the railroad tracks, when whoooooosh! and the train to Italy went tearing past. Here is what the cat thought of it all.


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